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  • Clients | Serveis Marketing | Comercial Services

    Los clientes que han confiado en nosotros para nuestros servicios de telemarketing y social selling. Discover our customers We stand out for being a multi-sector commercial agency. We have moved through various sectors such as food, industrial or technological, looking for a wide range of different potential clients. What do they say about us? Our customers increase between 30% and the 100% their sales Artur Arqués | CEO Univer adapts to the specific needs of each commercial campaign. The marketing team has helped us define the commercial campaign according to the needs and characteristics of each market segment. Based on their support and proactivity in generating new commercial strategies, we have been able to achieve the previously defined objectives. Industrial Tecnològic Alimentari Farma - Cosmètica Serveis Distribució Veure més Veure més

  • T'ajudem a exportar els teus productes | Especialistes en comerç internacional | Univer Commercial Services | Girona

    Des D'univer t'ajudem a portar el teus productes i serveis a l'estranger, perquè conquistis nous mercats i acceleris les teves vendes. A través de les campanyes de telemarketing i Social Selling per a B2B personalitzades. Conquer new markets Export your potential: get opportunities and increase your sales Exporting is a strategic path for business growth and sustainable expansion. At Univer we generate international commercial opportunities so you can increase your visibility and brand recognition . Request your quote Specialized advice Count on experts in international trade, saving you time and costs We identify profitable markets Make sure to focus your efforts on markets with high demand. Brand growth and presence Increase your presence and reputation in the international market Export methodology A proprietary work methodology created based on our ten years of experience in the market. We know how to develop commercial campaigns that have a real impact on your sales, these are the precise steps we carry out to guarantee results. Market research We exhaustively analyze the market to understand demand and competition. We prepare a detailed report with the preferences and entry barriers of our market niche. Identification of the target audience We make a concise and segmented list of potential clients. Potential customer database Campaign tracking For us, transparency is an essential aspect, which is why our clients have four ways to observe our work. Reunions Calendari Online Informes Through a shared calendar we will bring you the agenda of new meetings with potential clients, in this way we will ensure your availability, good organization and easy management. We meet monthly to inform you of the status or monitor the campaign, so that you are always up to date with all the latest news. At Univer we give you access to our own CRM so that not only can you see the status of the campaign in real time, but you can also access all the information about potential customers that we collect during the campaign. Daily, weekly or monthly, depending on what we agree on, we will send you a report with the status of the campaign, so that you can stay up to date on the evolution and the results that are being achieved. Specialists Collective restoration Specialists Industrial sector Specialists Technology sector Why Univer? Save time and resources by hiring a team of international trade experts We work with a focus on results, which guarantees your success in the international market. We help you enter new markets, so you can grow sustainably and gain a competitive advantage. Commercial efficiency from the very beginning, thanks to our experience and technical knowledge Discover more about us Request your quote Fill out the form and we will send you a customized quote. Acceptar avisos legals Enviar

  • Estudio restauración colectiva | Univer

    Study of collective restoration in Catalonia In June, the most complete study of the service of collectivities will be available, as well as the database with more than 5000 leads Discover some of the data that you will be able to find in the collective restoration study, which we have developed together with the Collective Restoration Magazine . Become an expert in the community sector; discover everything about school canteens, hospitals, nursing homes, prisons and companies. First data General data of collective restoration Collective catering services in Catalonia cost almost 1,000 million euros and feed more than 570,000 users every day . Collective catering services in Catalonia cost almost 1,000 million euros and feed more than 570,000 users every day . Know the data of the Hospitals in Catalonia Know the data of the Dining rooms in Catalonia Know the data of the Residences in Catalonia AVAILABLE JUNE 2024 Get the collective restaurant database in Catalonia Divisible by provinces Number of users Type of kitchen Management company Contact phone number Send us a message and we will send you more information: Custom-made market studies At Univer we offer you the possibility of carrying out your own market study , tailor-made, that achieves your objectives. Knowing the market gives you a competitive advantage. Knowing what your customers need, what barriers to entry are, who they usually buy from, how... all of this puts you in a unique position: that of a winner. Get in touch with us

  • Captació de leads i Social Selling | Especialistes en màrqueting i comerç | Univer Commercial Services | Girona

    LinkedIn: Social Selling We bring you customers and opportunities through a digital strategy We create a business profile and company page on the LinkedIn platform, in order to achieve more online presence, reach new markets and increase the number of monthly leads . Request your quote Success rate We are committed to your commercial success, which is why our Social Selling campaigns through LinkedIn guarantee a minimum success rate, which is achieved thanks to our precise and consistent methodology. 500 potential customers 25 are interested 2.5 ends up being a customer Out of every 500 potential customers, 25 are interested and 2.5 end up being loyal customers. Learn about success stories Univer Method A proprietary work methodology created based on our ten years of experience in the market. We know how to develop commercial campaigns that have a real impact on your sales, these are the precise steps we carry out to guarantee results. Goal setting We establish the objectives for the campaign, such as generating leads, increasing sales or recapturing inactive customers. We define and segment the target audience according to: size, turnover, geographical area, etc. Target audience segmentation We ensure that the profile is optimized, with a professional image, clear description and highlighting skills. Profile optimization Campaign tracking For us, transparency is an essential aspect, which is why our clients have four ways to observe our work. Reunions Calendari Online Informes Through a shared calendar we will bring you the agenda of new meetings with potential clients, in this way we will ensure your availability, good organization and easy management. We meet monthly to inform you of the status or monitor the campaign, so that you are always up to date with all the latest news. At Univer we give you access to our own CRM so that you can not only see the status of the campaign in real time but you can also access all the information about potential customers that we collect during the campaign. Daily, weekly or monthly, depending on what we agree on, we will send you a report with the status of the campaign, so that you can stay up to date on the evolution and the results that are being achieved. Why Univer? Save time and resources by hiring a team of international trade experts We work with a focus on results, which guarantees your success in the international market. We help you enter new markets, so you can grow sustainably and gain a competitive advantage. Commercial efficiency from the start, thanks to our experience and technical knowledge Discover more about us

  • Nosaltres | Serveis Marketing · Comercial Services

    Who are we? We are a sales assistant outsourcing company based in Girona, with over 10 years of experience in the fields of sales, marketing and market research. We support managers, sales directors, marketing directors and their teams in achieving their sales and marketing goals. Our mission is clear: we drive our clients' sales with the aim of increasing their revenue, expanding their product range and strengthening their customer base. We are committed to our clients' success and work diligently to provide customized solutions that drive the growth and prosperity of their businesses. 0 years of experience 314 projects carried out k 42 leads contacted per year Why Univer? Save time and resources by hiring a team of experts in the field of commerce and marketing We work with a focus on results, we guarantee results from the campaigns we work on. We help you grow sustainably and have a competitive advantage Commercial efficiency from the first minute, thanks to our experience and knowledge of the markets. Our values This is how we work and communicate at Univer in all aspects, among ourselves, with our clients and our collaborators. We are a team committed to doing things well. Transparency Our clients can track campaigns in real time. Professionalism Univer is made up of a specialized team that allows us to develop 360º campaigns. Passion and dedication We enjoy each campaign, and we dedicate ourselves to it with all our heart. Adaptability We adapt and understand the specific needs and objectives of each company. Constancy and resolution They are the key to our methodology, this is how we achieve our objectives and guarantee success. Fidelity The relationships with our clients go further, they are our partners. Do you want to work with us? Fill out the form and we will contact you to have a coffee. Acceptar avisos legals Enviar

  • Investigació de mercats | Univer Commercial Services | Girona

    En el món empresarial, cada elecció estratègica pot marcar la diferència entre el creixement sostenible i l'estancament. Des d'Univer, elaborem recerques de mercats a mesura perquè prenguis decisions informades. Market research Export your potential: get opportunities and increase your sales In the business world, each strategic choice can make the difference between sustainable growth and stagnation. At Univer, we create customized market studies so you can make informed decisions . Request your quote Identification of opportunities Discover unexplored niches and emerging trends that can transform your business. Knowledge about the target Get detailed information about their needs, challenges and preferences. Competitive advantage Understand your competition and their position in the market to provide a clear vision. Methodology A proprietary work methodology created based on our ten years of experience in the market. We know how to develop market research that has a real impact on your company, these are the precise steps we carry out to guarantee results. Goal setting We define the research objectives together. We choose the most appropriate research method, determine the sample and methodology. Research design We collect all the necessary information through the selected methodology. Data collection The collective restoration in Catalonia The most comprehensive study on community services School cafeterias Hospitals Penitentiary centers Companies Residences

  • Social Selling | Serveis Marketing | Comercial Services

    Sector TECHNOLOGICAL +100 complete databases +54k purchasing decision maker detected +30m billing generated from campaigns +1000 new customers generated as a result of the campaigns Main interlocutors Databases HR Manager Occupational Risk Manager IT Manager Management Companies with +200 employees Request your quote Fill out the form and we will send you a customized quote. Acceptar avisos legals Enviar

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